A hiccup in life

Deepa Subbarayan
1 min readOct 17, 2021

When a fresh breathe of air runs over you,

inhale in to fill up your happiness,

exhale out to let go of your jittery.

But when you see a hiccup making an entry without a caution,

you experience them holding onto your single breathe,

taking a while to sink and recoup!

Doesn’t matter if you breathe slow or fast,

the sound of hiccup will be buzzing all over;

water will be used to knock them out,

distractions will drop-in to break them apart;

while their status is obscure,

they appear whimsical at first,

they receive credits to spiking your growth,

they become a sign of those who remember you nearly & dearly,

but they won’t go away most of the times when you expect it.

So embrace all the hiccups of your life,

because they don’t last long forever,

a few momentary hiccups always arrive to change your life inside out!



Deepa Subbarayan

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