A sweet demise of Pomegranate

Deepa Subbarayan
1 min readNov 26, 2021

A lusciously looking red-fruit might look tough on the outside,

but when the chambers are cracked open for sweetest nectar,

the crystal-seeds drop into the floor without a thought,

like drops of red wine smudged on the floor.

Photo by Jessica Lynn Lewis from Pexels

We slice them off until we settle in convenience,

we smuggle those crystals from the shell as we like,

we dig out the layers from every corner till they appear in abundance ,

we pick out the finest ruby-red crystals to savour instantly,

until our laziness goes into slumber gleamingly.

But when our laziness comes back alive,

all the work in momentum becomes a lost cause;

where the crystal-seeds are blended with a fine gambit in the kitchen.

As the seeds get disowned from its lineage,

we begin to savour the aftermath of Pomegranate with glory,

by letting the Pomegranate seeds rest in peace and heaven!

Photo by Charlotte May from Pexels



Deepa Subbarayan

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