Deepa Subbarayan
2 min readMar 14, 2021

One day is not enough for the environment

consistency is all that matters for everyone,

one step at a time will unfold the layers of hope.

To bring this planet to a day where sustainable actions will become the new normal,

Ask, search, educate, talk, discover and keep moving.

Photo by Artem Beliaikin from Pexels

Question your daily actions and fractions for the planet,

celebrate the small victories of change,

there is no perfect solution yet, but our aspiration to change should be consistent.

Before we look outside for an inspiration to follow,

let us be our own guiding light.

We have the history of building the most impeccable bridges,

we have the victory of conquering the most terrific space missions,

we have the credit of making distinct innovations,

yet we haven’t obliged to the needs of Mother nature.

Our focus must flow like a river going to meet the sea,

because the day when water dries up and survival of life poses the questions,

all our history and victory shall diminish only to send us hunting for the lap of nature.

Photo by Curioso Photography from Pexels
Deepa Subbarayan

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